
Showing posts from December, 2020

Media Ecology

 A few days ago we started a new chapter called Media Ecology, so I wanted to share some of the notes sir Nadeem Zulfiqar gave us. We learnt about the following people; 1. Lance Strate 2. Neil Postman 3. Jarron Lanier 4. Sherry Turkle 5. Tapscott We saw different lectures done by these people on YouTube in class.

Practice shoots

 I started shooting my music video and i wanted to share my progress with you guys. I realised shooting at night is harder than i thought. The camera does not focus properly and you need to hold it very still. This time as Producer, Director and Camera man there is a lot of pressure on me and i must remain focused to complete my task!!! Here are a few practice shots I took!!

Creating the Mis-en-scene

 I want my music video to have a certain darkness too it. I have set the props of the characters according to what an action/thriller genre movie video requires and I have chosen gloomy rooms in the house too shoot. For the outdoor shots I chose an area near the house, a few empty narrow streets which kind of have a creepy look to them. 

Setting a Location

 As far as I am concerned, I need a good location to pull this story off and to create an appropriate Mis-en-scene. After careful consideration I decided to go with the main actor Gibran's house as it fit all the criteria. I expect to start shooting soon!!